OEM Cooling Tower Service, Maintenance and Parts
STCT can supply all OEM parts for the your Cooling Tower maintenance efforts. Call STCT for more information or to place an order!
Cooling Tower Repairs
When the time arrives that your cooling tower is in need of repair, who are you gonna call? If you said Ghostbusters, that would be a great movie reference but not helpful when it comes to cooling tower repairs. STCT would like to offer our …
Cooling Tower Performance Upgrades
The expectation is simple: "You need your cooling equipment to perform to keep your business functioning" At STCT, we provide the premium cooling tower products and improvement methods to keep your cooling towers working great. However, there …
New Cooling Tower Supplier – STCT Concrete Cooling Tower
Agrium/Nutrien STCT-2688 Concrete Cooling TowerThe STCT Tilt Panel Concrete Cooling Tower is the "Best Practice" choice for your next Cooling Tower Replacement Project or a New Field Erected Cooling Tower. With the use of thick concrete walls …
Cooling Tower Project Management
STCT offers the best in a "turn-key" Cooling Tower Project Management service. Our qualified staff can assist in all phases of building a new cooling tower structure, including the testing and commissioning of the new tower model. From tower …